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Expedite your research with Toluna's PowerSuite, a collection of fully-automated research tools on the TolunaInsights™ platform, designed to guide you from ideation to understanding in just hours. By automating industry proven methodologies, the PowerSuite puts you in the driver's seat, enabling you to conduct your own package, concept, positioning or attitudinal study from anywhere -- without ever having to pick up with phone.
Real-time concept testing is here!
Understand the overall strength of your branding, product or advertising concepts 10x faster and easier than traditional concept testing methods.
Shelf testing made simple!
PowerShelf makes it easy to simulate the retail environment to understand the impact packaging has on your product's standout and if shelf placement will impact standout, using an industry proven methodology.
How it works:
Select your packaging category
Add up to 8 packaging concepts and their shelf display to test and set timed exposures
Customize your survey with our intuitive wizard guiding the way
Target your audience and launch!
PowerShelf takes it from there, building your survey in real-time, with reporting available as soon as the first response comes in!
Real-time package testing!
Run package tests to understand the overall strengths and weaknesses of package concepts, message or designs 10x faster than traditional methods and at a fraction of the cost.
Methodology powered by