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Why Choose TolunaStart

TolunaStart is a self-serve market research tool that delivers high-quality, actionable insights. Whether you want to poll your existing users or need to survey your untapped market, TolunaStart can get you the answers you need in real-time, at a fraction of the cost of other solutions.
Product Development

Have a new concept or product in mind? Test it out with your target audience and learn if it will sink or swim.


Hear from your customers. Poll them to find out how you’re doing and how you can make their experience even better.


Keep your finger on the pulse and take advantage of our 21M+ global panel to uncover what’s in and what’s out.


Think you have a successful communications campaign? Find out if your target audience agrees!


No time or budget to carry out a complex study? Visit our Power Suite to conduct a fully-automated positioning or attitudes study!